Being an interior designer, so many people ask me “What style is your home?”  or “How did you do it in your house?”. When I do someone else’s space, I look at what they like, how they live and what makes their heart sing. I actually love all interior design styles and designing gives me a chance to dive in and develop a space that does that style proud. 

So many of us have been asked to stay home, which has allowed us to become more intimate with our home, now than ever before. This is the perfect time to decide what is tired or needs to be updated. We have all been cleaning our cabinets, straightening our rooms and looking at our spaces thinking, “When this is over, I am definitely making some changes.” 

I am going to be doing a series for all the rooms in a home, starting with the bedroom. This series is designed to help you see your space. It will assist you in determining what is working and what needs to be improved. I hope you enjoy the ride and remember we are here when you need us.

Let’s take a look inside an interior designer’s home…mine. 


[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”26″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”]THE BEDROOM 

Is your bedroom your retreat? Is it that place you go at the end of the day and sink into? Does it allow you to relax? Make you feel safe? Is it luxurious? Does it reflect the things you love?  If any of your answers to these questions are no, it is time to pay attention and get some great interior design solutions for me. 

The most important element of every bedroom is the bed. Your bed sets the mood of the room both with the bed itself and the bedding you choose for it.

Focal Point- The Bed and Bedding

My bed may seem garish to some, but for Doug (my husband) and I it’s just right. My personal style is old and new combined. I love European style and touches of modern to keep it current. The bed is topped with a comfy deep mattress, a down mattress topper and bedding that is clean, simple and functional. I love layering, but only when company is coming. On a day-to-day basis, I keep it simple and use a white duvet, a white linen bed skirt, white bedding and a simple fur throw at the end that serves as a toe kick and a layer of texture that makes me smile. With 3 dogs, it is imperative to me that it all can go into the wash every Sunday. But, when company is coming, I bring out the shams, pillows and additional layering. 

QUESTIONS FOR YOU (take a moment, look at your bed and ask yourself these questions)

  • Has your headboard lost your attention?
  • Is the bed your style, or are you ready for an update?
  • Do you have or want a dose of dramatic design for personality? Or do you prefer calm and safe?
  • Is your bedding easy to care for?
  • Does your bedding fit? I have seen too many coverlets or duvets that top off the bed but expose the sides of the mattress. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right. In most cases we can find bedding to fit, if not maybe custom is the way to go.
  • Are you ready to update your bedding?

Sidekicks – The Nightstands

Since my bed is very dramatic, I chose nightstands that are sleek and clean but very functional with storage. Doug and I both stash reading material, reading glasses, remotes, journals, lip balm.. neither of us like to see all this left out. We like a clean surface almost everywhere. 


  • Are your nightstands the right scale for your space? When you are in bed do you have to reach down or are they the right height?
  • What purpose do they provide? Are they for storage or just a surface for a light?
  • Are they in good condition? 
  • Fill in the blank, I wish my nightstands were ____________.

Head Wall

Every bedroom interior design should be created for the person who inhabits it. Your bed needs to be visually anchored by the wall behind it. If any wall wants to be special or different from the others, it’s this one. Don’t get me wrong, I love a monochromatic bedroom but if you want to incorporate an accent wall, this is the place. In our bedroom we applied molding for a couple reasons. One, we have a very dramatic bed and two, I felt the moldings would create order and elegance.

Black ornate headboard

Focus Finish

What you have on the wall is just as important as what you have against the wall. We topped off our nightstands with angular lamps and created the backdrop of mirrors that compliment the bed itself. I liked making the line of the bed exaggerated and spread across the wall since it was so dramatic. In other words, I lengthened the design for impact. 


  • What is above your nightstands?
  • What is above your bed? 
  • Does whatever is above the nightstands or bed compliment or take away from it?
  • What are the scale of your lamps?
  • Are they easy to turn on and off from your bed?

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”24″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”] 


Yes, we have a TV in our bedroom. I would love to tell you we retire to the bedroom, light candles and share our day with each other. Only to decide it’s time to drift off to sleep so we blow the candles out, shut off the lights and fall asleep in each other’s arms. Nope, most nights we turn that TV on, are divided by a dog and watch the news. I don’t think we are alone. Most people have a TV in their bedroom. As I have said before, I don’t like seeing things if I don’t have to so we created a way to hide ours. It is nice to see a gorgeous wall and a artistic piece (Mark, our faux finisher, created this and he can make one for you too, contact us). When we are ready for the news, we just slide it side. Great interior design adapts to the way you live. 


I have a desk in my bedroom. Everything from a design standpoint tells you not to put a desk in the bedroom. It should be the most calming room in the house. Experts advise not to have electronics where you sleep. But a small secretary or desk is a great spot to store and write a thank you note or shop online in your pjs. So I am going against everything out there and telling you that your retreat should be yours. When I am not at that desk, there is not a laptop on it, no work to remind me there is more to do. But, on Sunday mornings, I love it. It is my Sunday spot – in fact I am writing this at that very desk with a big cup of coffee. It’s also a great spot for a breakfast tray. If there is room, I love a desk in a bedroom. My point is make your retreat your resort- there are no rules. 


[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”25″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”]Seating   

We have a sofa in our bedroom right by the fireplace and there isn’t a more relaxing spot. It is a great landing space for some quiet time, reading or just hanging out. If there is room in your bedroom add some seating.

Patio off bedroom

Bedroom Deck

Our bedroom deck is only accessible from our bedroom so although its too early in the spring to have the pots planted, in the warmer days it is a great spot to get away, have a glass of wine and watch the sunset. 


  • Can you add seating at the foot of your bed?  Ottomans, a bench or a short back sofa? 
  • Do you have a corner for a comfy chair or chaise?
  • Would you use a desk in the bedroom?
  • Is there a way to make the space outside your bedroom a private getaway?
  • Is your TV front and center and the focal point?  Let’s fix that.


Black gem table lamp


I love that we have recessed lighting with dimmers, tons of windows for natural light, lamps on the nightstands and desk in our bedroom. If I am reading I can illuminate the room, if I am snuggling with my dogs (or my Doug) the dimmers or just the lamps come in handy. You should have options for lighting and be able to control it in any room, especially the bedroom. 


  • Are your lamps ready to be updated?
  • Is your lighting on dimmers? 
  • Do you have enough illumination for tasks, like reading in bed? 


[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”23″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”] 

Window Coverings, Draperies, Art, Accessories, Rugs & More 

As I am writing this I am looking at my bedroom and sitting at my desk on a cold spring day with a fire in the fireplace and a woodsmoke candle from THE LOFT by Lee Douglas Interiors burning. To my right is a small box that houses a couple of shells Doug and I gathered from Malibu beach and a feather that fell in front of us on a walk. My shutters are open and my drapes are framing the view of the weather outside. I am looking at an artwork collection over my fireplace that I bought and had framed, remembering  the day I picked them all out. I am kept company by twelve zodiac statues that I treasure, my heart with horns that somehow caught my eye in a Dallas market that I just had to buy it off the showroom floor, and two of my dogs at my feet. If this is not a retreat, I don’t know what is. 


  • Drapes and shades are a fundamental element to make a space feel detailed and warm – do you like yours or are they ready for an update?
  • Are your accessories updated or did you just stop looking at them?
  • Does your artwork make you happy?
  • Do your accessories bring you happy memories?
  • Is your room a reflection of your personality?

If you are in the stage of planning for your home design, make your bedroom big enough to accommodate and allow it to be your suite. You know when you arrive at a hotel and you open the door to a great hotel room and peek in to see if it’s everything you expected and you see a luxurious suite? If you’re not building, take the opportunity to answer the questions above and let us know how we can make your bedroom what you deserve it to be.

Click HERE to download and print the questions listed above. Then when you are ready, stop in to one of our stores or call and schedule a design consultation with one of our interior designers, or me. 

I am so grateful and cozy, thanks for joining me. 


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