Painting a message on a mirror

This is going to be a simple one, but it has caused a lot of conversation. Any mirror in the house can carry a fun message. You have probably all used a tube of lipstick to leave a message for someone, same principle, but get it out to others.

Buy a glass marker and go to town, but remember the key principle: Too much of a good thing is too much. Choose a mirror or two, don’t write on every single one of them. My handwriting stinks, so I always call on my assistant, Meg, to do this job. Below is your cheat sheet if you are out of time to create your own:

Entry Mirrors– A lot of people have a mirror in their entry. Old design rules said that every house needs one so you can check your lipstick before answering the door (oh brother). If your house has one, use it at this time of year to add a touch of celebration to your invited guests with one of the following:

  • Welcome Friends
  • Enter as a guest- leave as a friend
  • Family is everything (or) Friends are everything
  • Welcome 2016

Hallway Mirrors-

  • Deck the Halls
  • Ho Ho Ho
  • Let it snow

Powder Room Mirrors-

  • Cheers
  • Merry Christmas, Gorgeous
  • Fa-La-La-La-La

Kids rooms or bathrooms-

  • Santa is watching
  • Naughty or Nice
  • Dear Santa

And if all else fails………

Wash your hands- Love, Mom


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